Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Writing outlines -

Take time to map the plot first makes sense.

Sometime the easiest route is not the most direct one.  When writing scripts the usual approach once you have an idea is to write it out.  Starting at the beginning and writing to the end.  Last week a number of the students I work with proposed projects that would require some scripting.   My advice is always to write an outline first, then write the script.  There are excellent examples of writers who don't use this approach.  Stephen King is a prime example. In his excellent autobiography ('On writing') he details his writing process.  He essentially writes his stories from start to finish.  Then there is a reviewing and feedback process. But if you are not a talented writers it's still possible to write a usable script for a short film or media project.

The starting point for this should be an outline.  It's often quicker in the long run because you are far less likely to paint yourself into a corner and create an idea you are struck on but can't finish.  Otherwise time is wasted trying to fix what never worked while at the same time avoiding re writing the bulk of the script. This only serves to make things HARDER.  It's not unusual that there is a time pressure too.  You'll feel that it's too late to start again after all the work that already been done.

Writing the outline

You don't need a computer or the internet.  Just a sheet of paper, a pen and a little peace and quiet.

1. Write a series of action points listing what we will see in the order that we will see them.  Avoid writing dialogue and description, focus on what happens.

2. Where the action moves location organise these points into scenes.  List internal or external, the location and the time of day.

3. Add a third line that says what the point of the scene is in relation to the story.
From this simple list you can then start building an idea of:

  • the shape or 'structure' - how does the plot develop?  Is the story told in the best order?
  • whose POV is the story told from?  Is this the best one to use to tell the story?
  • what might the underlying theme be? Can you develop the theme or topic more?
  • is the visual aspect as strong as it can be?
  • the audio aspect (sound design) as strong as it can be?
  • what is the overall style of the project?
  • what is the genre of the project?
  • what is the duration of the project?
  • what is the scope/scale of the project.  Is it too complicated?  Can you achieve it satisfactorily?

An outline is easy to share and your creative thinking will benefit as you express your idea to others.  They can then either collaborate or feedback on your ideas at an early stage.

Outlines are a good antidote for procrastination!  Starting can be hard to do for a range of reasons, not least fear of failing or being disappointed with the end product.  Knowing where you're going will add  confidence in the eventual outcome.

Outlines make it easier to plan and manage a project and make the deadline.

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Sharing and collaborating materials web 2.1?

For team working Box.net proposes a useful feature.

As web 2.0 moves increasingly into socialising the web it's becoming easier to work on projects with friends, collagues and team mates remotely.  Dropbox is a very popular service, (well worth exploring if you haven't already) and it offers a shared folder.  This makes it possible to place a file into a shared web based folder, or if the app is installed on the collaborator's computer, onto their hard drive.  But there are some additional features that are needed to support comment and communication alongside file sharing.


With a recent upgraded version of their service Box.net have some way to answer these issues.  Like Drop Box there is a free version as well as a premium service.  My comments all relate to the free service.  It comes with 5 gigs of storage.

I recently suggested using the service to a team of students who are managing the pre-production on a film project.  They have all had to set up accounts and provide an email address.  Any of the team can then place/view/download material from the shared folder.  Some files can be viewed in directly in the browser.  It supports common types of file formats like Word, Excel etc.  Each file can have notes and threaded comments attached to it.  People can easily be invited to join the 'sharing'.  It's also possible to do a group email to all collaborators.

When you log in to your Box.net account you are presented with a list of things that have been updated.  However it's not necessary to actually log in to Box.net see what's going on.  Each shared folder creates an RSS feed.  So all activity can easily be seen using a Feed Reader.  I use Google's reader and the excellent 'Reeder' (sic) on the iPhone. (£)

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Scheduling tutorials.

Replace paper lists on doors with Typewith.me.

After the recent round of marking comes the inevitable round of feedback tutorials.  The usual method for organising this has been a sheet of A4 with a list of possible time slots.  Students complete these and turn up at the set times.  It's never been a great system since it requires students to visit the tutorial room/office twice.  Also there is no easy way for quick swaps and changes to be made amoungst students as their availabilities change.

Last year I used a wiki in Minerva (Blackboard).  I allowed all students to edit it and they logged into the VLE, found the module, opened the correct section, selected the wiki page and booked a slot.  It worked OK.

This year I have used Typewith.me - a replacement for EtherPad.  It creates an openly editable document that can easily be shared by url.  There is no login.  I set up a page with empty slots.  I also embedded the typeWithMe page into Blackboard (See below).  I then did a group email with details of the page within Blackboard and a link to the TypeWithMe url outside the VLE.  The students  completed the booking form quite quickly.  I printed it off and used it as a guide for me to the tutorial schedule.

If I were to do this again I would set up several Typewith.me pages with a link from the first to the second, the second to the third etc.  These could then be used as the first gets filled etc.  Without checking first I knew a series of tutorials was full was when a student emailed me.  Otherwise it worked extremely well.

Embedding Typewithme into a Blackboard page.

You need to use the HTML view, but it's not difficult.  Copy the url for the Typewith.me page you have created.  Open or create a page in Blackboard.  With the page in edit mode type something you will spot easily when you switch view to HTML.  For example ZOE.  Now find ZOE word in HTML view.  (On a complicated page I use the find function in Firefox).  Over type the word with this code starting with the < bracket to the closing bracket >.  Make sure that you paste YOUR url into the section highlighted.  Otherwise you will embed the test page.  Good Luck.


This is what it should look like - one web page in another.  Try it.